Active stocks on Octuber


Active stocks of most popular companies were analyzed in the period from Octuber 1 to Octuber 25, 2021.



Dataset: webscrapping from Yahoo Finance

Financial variables: Date, Open, High, Low, Close (close price adjusted for splits), Adj Close (Adjusted close price adjusted for splits and dividend and/or capital gain distributions), Volume. Currency in USD.

Set the company of interest in the ticker variable.

Data Analysis

Table 1. Stocks of popular companies.

Adj Close vs Volume

Figure 1. Animated pairplot of popular companies: Adj Close vs Volume. Circle size based on Volume. Color key for different companies.

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Daily Return vs Volume

Figure 2. Animated pairplot of popular companies: % Daily Return vs Volume. % Daily Return is the percentage of the natural log of daily Adj Close ratio. Circle size based on Volume. Color key for different companies.

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Tesla, Inc.

Table 2. Stocks of Tesla, Inc.

Table 3. Descriptive statistics from each variable.

Figure 3. Pairplot: % Daily Return vs Volume of Tesla, Inc. % Daily Return is the percentage of the natural log of daily Adj Close ratio. Circle size based on Volume and text inside indicates % Daily Return. Color key for % Daily Return.

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Tesla, Inc. showed a drastic shift on Octuber 25th, 2021, both on volume and % Daily Return.

Let's analyzed what happened with the other companies on that date.

Table 4. Stocks of popular companies on October 25, 2021.

Figure 4. Pairplot: Volume vs % Daily Return of popular companies on Octuber 25, 2021. % Daily Return is the percentage of the natural log of daily Adj Close ratio. Circle size based on Volume. Color key for different companies.

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Figure 5. Pairplot: Company vs Volume on Octuber 25, 2021. % Daily Return is the percentage of the natural log of daily Adj Close ratio. Circle size based on Volume and text inside indicates % Daily Return. Color key for % Daily Return.

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